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False Alarm Prevention

Writer's picture: summit911summit911

Updated: Apr 7, 2021

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The governments of Summit County established the Summit County False Alarm Reduction program in 2005 to reduce false alarms. There are two parts to the program. The first part is the yearly registration of all monitored intrusion alarms. This annual fee of $50 is billed in late November and early December and supports the program's administrative costs. Newly registered accounts pay a pro-rated amount for the first year. The second part of the program is fees for excessive false alarms. The first false alarm is not charged but results in a letter to the account holder. The first false alarm also starts a one-year period in which additional alarms will incur additional fines. The second false alarm results in a fine of $75, the third results in a fine of $150, and the fourth and subsequent alarms incur a $300 fine. The last year before program adoption (2004), Summit County had an average of 7 false alarms per day, resulting in a loss of approximately 1275 hours of law enforcement response. In 2020, Summit County only had an average of 1.8 false alarms per day or a total of 329 hours in false alarm response or a 74% reduction in time spent on false alarm response.

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